
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Corona Fact: Seeking for the kindness of Allah with some holy verses

Let’s pray to Allah with the following sacred verses of Holy Quran:

•    "Hasbunallahu Oya Ne'mal Wakeel, Ne'mal Maola Oya Ne'mannaser"
•    ‘Allah Humma Inni Auzubika Minal barasi Oyal Jununi Oyal Zuzami Oyamin Saiyil Askam’
•    “Lakad Jayakum Rasulum Min Anfusikum Azizun Alaihima Anittum Harisun Alaikum Bil Mominin Raufur Rahim
       Fine Tawallao Fakul Hasbiyallahu La Ilaha Illahua Alaihima Tawakkaltu Oya Huya Rabbul Arshil Azim”


IN SHA ALLAH Almighty Allah will protect all of our family members from covid-19 specially living in this under privileged country like Bangladesh where no proper medical equipment and facilities are available in treating Covid-19 patients, where almost all doctors and nurses are scared of coming closer in treating normal patients now a day suspecting it as Covid-19 patients, then who will treat us if we get sick, where some hospitals also are not admitting any patients suspecting it as Corona, where recently almost all the hospitals have turned into desert which is much frustrating news, where sufficient number of kits are not available to diagnose this virus as if there were no Kits, no test & no corona, Where only few numbers of hospitals are allocated for Corona pandemic and the sad part is if somebody gets sick and calls the hot line number, no response is found and even if they receive the call no proper cooperation and behavior is observed.
In spite of everything we want to think positive and work positively. The govt. has imposed 10 days of almost lockdown in Bangladesh. I am right at this moment writing this article at home. In the social platform we are requesting everyone to stay at home and cooperate with the government to recover from this epidemic.  There are some positive facts that we should keep in mind that is only small percentage of people are dying in corona especially who have previous severe issues. Let’s stay safe and prevent it from our own way.
We have no other way available other than praying to Almighty Allah to help us from home.
Allah helps those who help themselves. Only Allah can help us. Let's pray and seek for his mercy and kindness. 


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