
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Corona is not a virus, a warning

Almighty Allah sometimes takes exam to justify our patience or check our faith on him. He sometimes throws us in somewhere where there is a keen chance to come back or difficult to recover though Allah’s reward or punishment is not permanent. Recently we are giving exams fighting with the deadly virus ‘Corona’. I personally believe this is not a virus rather it is just a warning imposed by Almighty to check either his creation’s patience level or to show his aggression for some worldly negativity. As a Muslim at least I do believe so.
Recently thousands of people are dying after being infected with corona virus. The whole world is under threat. One lesson we all should learn that we, the humans are helpless somehow in this regard. We have no other alternative available to stay away from it. All the powerful developed countries have nothing to do other than taking cautionary measures and keeping a distance country wise as the whole world is already either isolated or self quarantined to stay away from it.
So we have a moral here. The world is so much technologically advanced. My question is why they are not introducing any vaccines or any other medicines to get rid of it and why the world is so isolated. Only one entity is attached with us and will be giving company till the last day of our life and even life after is almighty Allah. He is always with us to help and will be for us in future. He is the one who has put everyone in danger and he will be the one who will help us to come up with aids and recovery solutions. All we need is to seek his kindness and forgiveness.
The world might be so rich to purchase the peace or destruction, but not rich enough to find the cure from this deadly virus. Humans are entitled as the best creations in the world by the Almighty. We can achieve anything in the world nearly everything but 100 percent with our talents until the last moment of our life arrives. Allah didn’t create us giving 100 percent of capabilities as everybody has some lacking in particular arena. So what is to be lofty for? Why is so much hatred, why is so much jealousy for each other.
After our death everything will be gone. In spite of having so much capabilities and money we are becoming failure in controlling corona virus. Here comes with the fact that there must be something which is beyond our control, the only Almighty Allah can control it. We have nothing to do other than surrendering ourselves to him to cope with this epidemic.
Corona is a not a virus, it’s a warning or punishment imposed by the Almighty to give a realization that with a blink of an eye what can be happened to this world. The way he can make the whole world isolated and in the same way it can be united at the same time. Let’s be grateful to him and praise for his kindness because without his mercy we will not be able to breathe a single ounce of oxygen from the air.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonderful Blogspot Honarable Mr. Nazmul Haq Talukder Ovi, General Secretary, S.H. Foundation Bangladesh

  3. Thank you honourable president of S.H. Foundation, Bangladesh
