Human life and social media

Humans find interest in fake things in terms of maintaining individual and corporate relationship as means of living where they themselves create their own network boundary of imagination.
I feel sometimes confused thinking whether life has been judged as underrated or overrated clashing with the impact of social media. Well, I am not against the flow of time and I am not saying that the existence of social media is insignificant in our life. What I meant here is whether the actual meaning of life is being suppressed here somehow or not.
How many of us love to interact with each other face to face instead of virtual interaction? Well, I find myself interrupted when somebody knock me in virtual platform where as meeting personally or at least wondering about somebody’s updates over phone is much more empathetic and connected considering the emotional phenomenon. I feel ashamed when husband and wife continue their conversations over social media while staying together at the same house and same time and most of the conversations seem to be kind of showing off type and irrelevant. I find personally no justification of doing these in social media as they can do it face to face in a productive way, then what is the use of social media in their life? Now a day the one who doesn't have any social media account is considered backdated and uncivilized species in the modern era of human life. 

I feel even embarrassed when my friends knock me in the visible virtual platform regarding asking for some help, updates and information where they can easily access me in my phone or any quick forms of communication. Close family members and friends don’t need to show off their attachment in front of public and it will come out with nothing rather their presence should be more realistic in human day to day life, not virtually.
Contrary social media is a very important tool in keep in touch with friends and families who are living outside our reach and more over it is the dynamic form of platform where different sorts of corporate purposed can be served and solved through initiating different forms of promotions and it is very effective.
So things should be implemented segment wise and simultaneously. The platform which is useful gaining one segment won’t be effective in other segment. The way social media is proving its effectiveness in terms business and corporate sector, the other way around it is making human life artificial, fake and emotionless mechanic. It is the human life where more visible emotional and mental attachment is required and to survive in the corporate field it is the social media that can create a productive impact to create differentiation considering the monetary and financial outcome. Finally the executions of social media should be evaluated equally and at the same time differently.
To me watching and reading posts of others are much more entertaining than giving posts in social platforms. It is not basically giving me any sort of attachment inside me other than entertaining myself.
I have noticed that somebody is considering social media as if it were their only real life. If he/she doesn't give post for a single day, they will be thrown out to dustbin as uncivilized useless materials. 
Wake up guys. Don't sleep all the time. Sleeping 8 hours is good for health, over sleeping is injurious to health.
Face the real world, not virtual. Learn from real world, not virtual.

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